Security & Privacy
Ecstasy Pill Test online shop is an NSIPS (National Secure Internet Payment Service) compliant website, which is fully approved by National Australia Bank. All payments are made over the National Australia Bank’s secure network. Your credit card details are never disclosed to us and are not held by us in our database. When you place an order we use a Secure Socket Layer (SSL) encryption, which encrypts your information before it is sent to us to protect it from unauthorised use. In addition, we will take all reasonable steps to ensure that third party business partners to whom we transfer any data will provide sufficient protection of that personal information.
Your Privacy
We take your privacy very seriously and have stringent measures in place to safeguard it. We will only collect personally identifiable information to the extent deemed reasonably necessary to serve you in view of our legitimate business purposes, and we will endeavour to maintain appropriate safeguards to ensure the security, integrity and privacy of the information you have provided us.
If an order is placed with us, we need to retain personal information including your name, email address, phone number/s, shipping address and billing address so that we can process your order.
Credit card details are entered directly into our payment partner’s systems and are neither transmitted nor held on our systems.
We do not use cookies to gather personal details, and we will not share any of your personal information with any other company or organisation.